Honing Ice Skates
The blades of your ice skates become worn and lose their sharpness with use, so it is advised to have them honed periodically.
Ice Hockey Skates
Contemporary ice hockey skates possess a radius-grinding design, maintaining a consistent contact area with the ice at various angles while skating on the middle section of the blade. This ensures that between 1.25 to 1.75 inches of the blade remains in contact with the ice.
Having a sharper blade enhances grip, allowing for shorter stops and turns. However, increased sharpness demands greater skill for effective control during stops or turns. A moderately sharp blade permits some sliding when stopping or turning, making the manoeuvre smoother and thus easier to manage.
Figure Skate
A figure skate's blade is longer and straighter, crafted from higher-grade steel compared to ice hockey blades, necessitating less frequent sharpening. Nonetheless, the blade's sharpness and the precision of the hollow grind are crucial for speed and agility.
Most ice rinks with skate hire services, along with skate shops, are equipped to sharpen your skates, typically charging between £4 and £8. Given the cost and potential damage to the blade, it is usually not worthwhile to attempt this at home. We provide a honing service at SkatePro.