Cruiser Board Griptape
Is Griptape Necessary for Cruiser Boards?
Absolutely! Complete cruiser boards are generally equipped with griptape to help you maintain control while navigating the city. Nevertheless, the griptape on cruiser boards will degrade over time. Once you observe a decline in its adhesive quality, it's time to replace it. Although cruiser board griptape is typically black, opting for new tape featuring vibrant designs or a branded logo is an excellent way to personalise your board's appearance.
For a pennyboard, the waffle pattern on the board's surface should offer sufficient grip, eliminating the need for tape. However, if you seek maximum grip or wish to customise your board's aesthetics, you can certainly apply pennyboard griptape.
If you're interested in stickers to adorn your cruiser board, check out our Cruiser Skateboard Merchandise.