
Girl Skateboards

Girl Skateboards is a legendary name within the skateboarding industry, celebrated for the sophisticated and artistic graphics on their skateboard decks. By partnering with an array of artists, their graphic design team consistently delivers the freshest skateboard deck art available.

To complement the aesthetic, Girl skateboard decks and wheels utilise high-grade materials. This quality is endorsed by their roster of famous professional riders. The brand's range is centred on decks and skateboard apparel, but they also offer an excellent selection of complete skateboards. These are perfect for those who prefer to keep things simple and enjoyable.

The company embarked on its journey in 1993, emerging from the sunny skies of California, with founders and professional skaters, Mike Carroll and Rick Howard, at the helm. A primary motivation for the establishment of Girl Skateboards was to provide ex-professional skaters with opportunities to continue their careers within the skateboarding sector. This mission keeps the company's philosophy deeply rooted in skateboarding, contributing to its enduring influence today.

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